Your product’s user experience can spark joy and create emotional connections while also solving meaningful problems.

These aren’t mutually exclusive concepts.

One of the highly science fictional bits of “When Gravity Fails” (Effinger’s early cyberpunk novel published in 1986) was the protagonist’s phone which was - gasp! - small enough to easily clip to his belt and carry around.

Remember: right now we are dreaming up the future we may one day inhabit.

Sometimes you receive the most valuable feedback when you lose a client.

Great features can be born from the most frustrating user experiences.

“The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.”

-Winston Churchill


”The mind is not a vessel that needs filling but wood that needs igniting."



“But we’ve always done it this way!”

Some of the most frightening words to hear… but so very ripe with opportunities.

Think about it like this:

Every time you deploy, you’re really shipping new/better/different outcomes.

Yes, yes, yes - you make wonderful hammers. (Congratulations!)

But how successful are your clients at actually building with them?

Your product’s success should really only be measured by your clients' successes.

A feature without a very clear “why” just shouldn’t exist.

Listen, listen, listen to your clients - but remember: they’re experts in their problems, not your solutions.

Your job is not to build what users ask for but to understand why they’re asking for it.

Don’t wait for the perfect moment to reach out - build your network consistently.

Don’t just ask for favors - add value whenever you can.

The relationships you cultivate today will shape your tomorrow.

“What we remember from childhood we remember forever - permanent ghosts, stamped, inked, imprinted, eternally seen.”

-Cynthia Ozick


”Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him."

-Aldous Huxley


Everyone expects you to be dependable.

Everyone expects you to know what you’re talking about.

Exceeding expectations is hard - and it gets harder to repeat as expectations rise over time.

But it is SUCH a powerful way to build a relationship with your customers.

Great product teams shape the entire culture of problem-solving, innovation, and learning within a company.

As I write this, it’s early Monday morning and - reminder - now is the best time to go ahead block some uninterrupted Focus Time on your calendar for the week ahead.

As a knowledge worker your thinking is your primary product. Tackling complex tasks effectively requires dedicated time and space.

Remember: organize your product around the market it serves and not around your internal hierarchies.

Said differently, roadmaps are not org-charts.


“The great thing about fact-based decisions is that they can overrule the hierarchy.”

-Jeff Bezos


When working on a new roadmap, here are my 3 starter questions:

  1. Who’s the intended audience?
  2. What do I want them to take away from this?
  3. What would be the outcome if this was published on the Internet?

The needs of your audience and the realities of the market environment should shape the content. 

“Ideas are easy. Implementation is hard.”

-Guy Kawasaki
