- The composer Vangelis can’t read or write music.
- Frank Lloyd Wright was not a licensed, certified architect.
- HP Lovecraft didn’t graduate from high school or ever attend college.
- M&Ms were invented for and initially exclusively sold to the military as rations for soldiers. They were originally packaged in cardboard tubes.
- Three Musketeer candy bars originally came in 3 different flavors - strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate.
- Vorarephilia (often shortened to “vore”) is a paraphilia characterized by the erotic desire to be consumed by, or to personally consume, another person or creature.
- The name for the Pandas Python library derived from “panel data” - and not the black and white bears.
- When some US soldiers returned home from overseas at the end of WWII, they had never driven on the righthand side of a road (having learned how to drive only in other countries). Some states issued driver’s licenses to these returning veterans without given them any examination.
- At four and a half years, Graneledone pacifica (the deep sea octopus) holds the record for the longest incubation period of any animal on Earth. The mother slowly starves to death while protecting her eggs. All alone in total darkness, her brain withers away until there is nothing left but a tiny part that is just focused on protecting the eggs. She lives until they all hatch.
- The ancient Sumerian choice to use 10 and 6 as number bases - creating a sexagesimal system (one based on the number of 60, which can be subdivided many ways) - explains why years, days, hours, and minutes are still divided into 12, 24, and 60 throughout the world today.
- Early gramophone equipment could only make recordings that were no more than four and a half minutes long. Musicians began abbreviated their compositions to fit to the limitations of the phonograph. And today, the standard duration of a pop song is four and a half minutes.
- In the samurai film “Sanjuro” a prop failure caused fake blood to dramatically spray rather than trickle. Akira Kurosawa kept the shot and the resulting effect became a staple of subsequent films and anime.
- Emperor Hirohito of Japan was buried wearing a Mickey Mouse watch that he was gifted during a visit to DisneyLand.
- Hurrian Hymn Number 6 is the oldest known piece of human music. It originates in Mesopotamia around 1400 BCE and is a hymn to the goddess Nikkal. Thanks to the detailed notes that were discovered, the hymn has been rerecorded and can be found on Apple Music, Spotify, Youtube, etc.
- Archaeological evidence suggests that humans have been eating popcorn for at least the last 20,000 years. We know that ancient Incans ate it.
- (and speaking of which) colonial housewives in the United States served popcorn with milk and sugar and made the first breakfast cereal.
- Epictetus’ Discourses and Enchiridion have remained continuously in print since 1535.
- Arbutus unede was burned by ancient Greeks and Romans to ward off evil and protect children. This is called a madrone tree in the United States.
- During the Blitz, London’s Natural History Museum was hit by bombs. After water from firemen’s hoses extinguished the fire, it also caused seeds within one of the collections to germinate. Among these was the Albizia julibrissin, the ancient Person silk tree, whose seeds were more than 147 years old at the time.
- the Apple IIe - that appeared in the library of my elementary school, one of only a handful in the entire rural county
- a pre-release NeXT cube - that was demoed to a small group of professors at a local college (I got my invite because I was dating the daughter of one of the professors)
- an original Amazon Kindle tablet - that a coworker handed me with a smirk while passing in the hallway at work one day
- it exists outside the pages of a sci-fi novel
- it’s available for sale in retail stores
- Watching a 3D movie on a giant screen that appeared to float just above the surface of a mountain lake underneath a star-filled sky, noticing the reflections of the movie and sky in the ripples of the virtual waves
- The exact moment the dinosaur breaks the fourth wall, stepping through the virtual window and interacting with you directly
- A singer (Alicia Keys, it turns out) singing to you directly during a rehearsal in a studio space
- the 3D video of a happy child blowing out the candles on their birthday cake and collapsing into giggles on a sofa
Oh My Zsh - a framework for managing your ZSH configuration
Powerlevel10k - an amazing theme for ZSH
bonus: a great article on Using the two together
btop - a modern replacement for the very old ‘top’ resource monitoring command
amethyst - a tiling window-manager for Mac OSX power-users (I wanted to like StageManager. I really did.)
exa - the modern replacement for the ls command I didn’t know you needed
Space to think
“Thing is, not only is the news all the bloody same, all about the same country and the same handful of main characters, and every news service reports all the incremental updates to the same bloody stories every sixty seconds: but that constant battering tide of zone-flooding shit compresses time and shrinks space to think.“
-Warren Ellis
Things I Learned in 2024
The dearth of any meaningful innovation (or competition) in the ebook market generally makes me sad.
For example: how about offering the option of excluding any end-matter (appendices, indices, etc) from our Percentage Read calculations?
Is “A Muppet Family Christmas” - uniting Muppets, Sesame Street, and Fraggle Rock - the perfect holiday special? Surely.
And just like that, a copy of Sagan’s “Demon Haunted World” drops into my lap at what appears to be the perfect time.
I asked ChatGPT to always remember Asimov’s 3 Laws of Robotics and apply them to any responses it gives me.
If it ever thinks one of the Laws will prevent it from answering fully, I asked it to point this out and explain the violation.
Just a totally normal Wednesday morning.
After noticing the whole VUCA world has gone sideways out from underneath you, it’s a bit too late to wish you had gone for that run earlier.
Anticipate disruption and prioritize accordingly.
Kevin Kelly writes:
“Gratitude will unlock all other virtues and is something you can get better at.”
I couldn’t agree more.
My first insight into AI’s genuine utility came when I asked ChatGPT to tell me how an unfamiliar Python library worked, as if I were a young child.
Even if its answer had been wrong - like an ill-advised coworker - it gave enough insight to remove my block and keep moving forward.
(But it wasn’t.)
Wordle and Edison
I really enjoy playing Wordle each day. It’s now become a standard part of my morning routine. With a mug of hot coffee in hand, I start a new game immediately after finishing my journaling.
One of the things I genuinely appreciate about Wordle is how it reminds me that my mistakes actually contain valuable bits of information.
Maybe a letter isn’t in the word at all and can be ignored.
Maybe it’s there but not yet in the right place.
It’s all worth paying attention to and by carefully considering my mistakes, I’m eventually led to the right answer.
This applies to all things in life really.
Which makes me think of what Thomas Edison was talking about when he famously remarked,
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
As long as you’re learning from your mistakes, missteps, and failures you’re growing smarter and heading in the right direction.
I’ve been learning how to setup neovim as a modern writing environment, an interface into my Obsidian vault.
No, I’m not actually writing anything during the process - but the experimentation is just fascinating.
Am I repurposing a fusion powered turbine for use as a lawn mower? I mean, maybe?
We are raised on fables of ants and grasshoppers and the harsh winter that’s looming up ahead of all of us.
We put things off because it seems responsible and - of course - there will be ample time left in the future to get around to it.
Remember, my fellow ants: tomorrow is never promised.
Apple Vision Pro demo
I feel so lucky to have received a few early glimpses of the future in my life.
I mention this because I found myself with some extra time to kill at the local mall and got a demo of the new Apple Vision Pro. I confidently place this experience in the very same category as all these other events. Even after a few weeks of reflection, I still consider the Vision Pro to be a watershed moment, an actual quantum leap beyond the desktop computing paradigm.
The Vision Pro utterly transcends what Engelbart and Xerox PARC birthed back in the 1970s and 80’s. While wearing them, virtual windows appear to effortlessly hang in the air all around you. Old two-dimensional “flat” photos and Safari browser pages were rendered at a high enough resolution that they seemed “real.” The fonts on these virtual pages are as smooth and easy to read as a sheet of laser printed paper. And all the windows stay perfectly frozen in place, wherever they are placed inside that virtual space. The verisimilitude of the experience is flawless.
Throughout the demo, I just kept repeating variations of how difficult it is to believe that:
There were several remarkable, evocative moments:
Apple is quite justified in asking where else might you find a comparable experience for the same (or lower) price point here.
It’s presently too expensive for most anyone other than early adopters and the technologists that are building new solutions on top of it, however.
And that means, after only a handful of months on the market, it still only fulfills a limited number of usecases. Sales appear to have cooled.
Jason Snell’s thoughts on calling it a “flop” at this point exactly mirror my own lived experience with technology.
It’s important to remember that this is the very first version. Every version after this will be lighter, faster, and generally more feature-rich.
Future versions of the Vision Pro will transform education, entertainment, video games, communication… quite a bit of what we think of as “computing” today will change.
Very, very promising.
Remember: nostalgia is an expensive commodity.
Remember to always ask “how will this simplify things?”
For example: before you buy that retro mechanical keyboard that looks exactly like your childhood Commodore 64.
Remember: If you compliment someone else’s dog, it really is ok if they’re not gracious about it.
It shouldn’t change a thing for you - or the dog.
In what sort of future do you want to live?
Having that small sweet with your morning coffee makes it marginally less likely you’ll eat the healthy bowl of oatmeal later.
Think about how small decisions make actions easier or harder for your future self.
Specialization is for insects
“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects!”
-Lazarus Long (Robert Heinlein)
Top 5 open-source tools I discovered in 2023
#opensource #top5 #tools