“There is a piece of me that likes to fondly imagine my maverick and rebellious nature. But more accurately I like to have a nice and cosy institution that I can rub up against a little bit. There is nothing better than a few constraints you can comfortably kick against.” -Douglas Adams


“The years teach much which the days never know.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson


Learn from your mistakes.

Adapt quickly.

Champion your team’s creativity.

Innovation thrives on resilience.


“A plan which succeeds is bold, one which fails is reckless.” - General Karl von Clausewitz


Addressing hard problems is like building a puzzle.

Each piece represents a new insight, a new step towards a possible solution.

Embrace the puzzle. The picture will become clearer.


Hard conversations with customers foster a culture of continuous improvement within your team.

They challenge assumptions and force #ProductManagement to confront the limitations of their thinking and their solutions.

This often leads to creative problem-solving and innovative product enhancements.

“People are always telling you who they are.” -Elizabeth Strout


“Words are full of echoes, of memories, of associations. They have been out and about, on people’s lips, in their houses, in the streets, in the fields, for so many centuries.” -Virginia Woolf


Hard conversations are also essential for uncovering pain points that might not be evident through other feedback channels.

Customers may be experiencing issues or frustrations that they haven’t been able to convey clearly.

Candid discussions reveal these hidden challenges.


Engaging in hard conversations with customers is a crucial aspect of product management.

These conversations, although uncomfortable, are often necessary to demonstrate commitment and build trust.

Customers appreciate when you listen and act on their feedback, even when it involves difficult topics.

“The true spirit of conversation consists more in bringing out the cleverness of others than in showing a great deal of it yourself; he who goes away pleased with himself and his own wit is also greatly pleased with you.” —Jean de La Bruyèrep


“I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.” - Vincent van Gogh


”I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.” -Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul

A successful product manager is a master of adaptability and a champion of flexibility.

Keep your eyes on the product goal and adjust the course as needed.

Pivot. Pivot. Pivot.


As a product manager, my mantra is simple:

Hard problems are the heart of progress.

They push us to think differently and collaborate deeply.

As Marcus Aurelius said best, the obstacle becomes the way.


“A goal should scare you a little and excite you a lot.” -Joe Vitali


“Build something 100 people love, not something 1 million people kind of like." -Brian Chesky, CEO of Airbnb


Time evaporates when you’re managing products.

What’s one critical time management tool?

A well-structured calendar.

Remember to block time for focused work and creative brainstorming along with the crush of other meetings during your week.


“What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.” -Richard Bach


Building for yourself just won’t cut it.

Conduct interviews, surveys, and usability tests regularly.

Understand your users’ pain points and desires. What do they crave? What do they fear? Why?

Remember: empathy is the key.

Challenges are your constant companions in product management.

Don’t try to avoid them. Face them head-on - with the right mix of data-driven strategies and courage.

Your goal is to keep learning, adapting, and leading your product towards success.
