“This is the master design pattern for applying technology: Do more. Do things that were previously unimaginable” -Tim O’Reilly


Data is your compass.

Use data to make as informed decisions as possible, measure your successes, and identify potential areas for improvement.

Data-rich insights orienteer your product’s journey across the roadmap.

#DataDriven #ProductStrategy #ProductManagement

“I have all my life been considering distant effects and always sacrificing immediate success and applause to that of the future” -Frederick Law Olmstead

Olmstead designed Central Park in New York, Biltmore in North Carolina, and the grounds of the 1893 Columbian Exposition in Chicago


“They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” -Andy Warhol


It turns out that empathy is a superpower.

Understand your clients and partners deeply, their pain points, their needs, and their desires.

Once you walk the proverbial mile in their shoes, you’ll create products that truly make a difference.

#UserEmpathy #productmanagement

Communication is key to effective product management.

I cannot overstate the importance.

Clear and effective communication with your team, stakeholders, and even clients ensures everyone is aligned behind a common vision and executing towards a common goal.

#Productmanagement #Communication

Ideation is wonderful - but don’t get too attached to your ideas.

As a product manager, always be open to feedback and ready to pivot if necessary.

Some of the best products evolve through adaptation.

#AgileMindset #productmanagement

Reflecting on my journey so far, it’s clear that knowledge becomes so much more meaningful when shared.

In a hyper-dynamic field like product management, collaboration with our peers isn’t just an obligation - it’s a privilege.

#productmanagement #productinsights

The story of Ping

The story of ping from the guy who wrote it. Modeling sonar behavior across an internetwork. So clever.


A true testament to the roots of tech that has become essentially transparent.

Reminds me that every innovation has a starting point.


“Brevity is the soul of wit” -William Shakespeare

_(specifically, Polonius, in Hamlet Act 2, Scene 2)

(specifically-specifically, I’m checking out how cross-posting works between micro.blog and mastodon)_